Monday, April 13, 2015

Testosterone Replacement Therapy is a bigger pain in the ass than it should be

I've been on testosterone replacement therapy for three months (an injection every month) and EVERY time I have to defend my decision to be on it. It always starts with them rejecting my decision and ends with me convincing them, based on a lot of research I've done in the topic, that it absolutely does improve the quality of my life and that I know what risks and problems to look for. This time I even had to tell the doctor a blood test that she should add to my lab sheet and she was like, "oh yeah you bring up a good point, I'll add that to the blood work." I'm not some asshole trying to abuse steroids, my motivation from the very beginning was to have average testosterone levels for my age and sex, not more.

I know that hormones are finicky and messing with them is risky business. I've known of my low testosterone for much longer than I've treated it, because I was afraid of the health risks and the hassle of keeping my hormones at a healthy balance. However, after much consideration I decided it was a risk I'm willing to take and I've been much better off for it and have yet to see any warning signs that I should stop. Yet every time I go in for treatment I feel like I'm on trial. I walk into the doctor's office the same way I would walk into a classroom before the final test, anxious and nervous but studied and prepared to demonstrate my knowledge on the subject.

And this is all just me trying to be a happier, healthier man. This is just me trying to have the hormones of a 28 year old man instead of having the hormones of a post-andropause man over twice my age. I can't imagine what transgendered people go through when they decide they want to change sexes, because all I'm trying to do is be the man that I am and the doctors that I'm seeing need convincing. They just want me to be content with relatively woman-like hormonal levels and all of the body composition problems, depression, fatigue, difficulty gaining muscle, and relationship "not masculine enough" problems that come with it. All because "well, those aren't life threatening problems that necessarily need treatment. Here's some Prozac to make you comfortably numb." 'Cuz fuck quality of life, right?

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